Meet The Doctor – Dr. Bob Bryan Orthodontics
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_yoast_wpseo_metadesc : Dr. Bob Bryan has his roots firmly planted in the Lehigh Valley. He was born and raised here, graduating from Parkland High School and Muhlenberg College.
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Meet The Doctor

meet the doctor

Dr. Robert Bryan

“Dr. Bob” has his roots firmly planted in the Lehigh Valley. He was born and raised here, graduating from both Parkland High School and Muhlenberg College before leaving the area for his graduate training. He attended Georgetown University for dental school, Loyola University and the University of Michigan for pediatric dentistry and, finally, Northwestern University for his master’s degree in orthodontics. While at Northwestern, he received the prestigious annual post-graduate award for his master’s thesis.

Dr. Bob also completed a residency in hospital dentistry through Sacred Heart Hospital (St. Luke’s) where he is still very actively involved in teaching and lecturing the dental residents. He also attends many continuing education courses to assess and integrate the latest technology and orthodontic techniques into our practice.


Dr. Bob was also mentored by his father, William, (45 years of experience) and Dr. Frank Solga (35 years of experience), gaining valuable insights into treatment on various types of complicated cases.

He strongly believes in maintaining a progressive practice in which every patient is treated with individualized treatment plans to achieve maximum outcomes. His dual training in pediatric dentistry and orthodontics allow him a unique perspective on evaluating and treating younger patients, enabling him to integrate growth and development concepts into ongoing orthodontic treatments.

He is a currently a member of Pennsylvania Orthodontic Association, American Orthodontic Association and Lehigh Valley Society of Orthodontists where he served as president for five years.


Dr. Bob is married to his wife Maureen and has 4 grown children. He enjoys traveling, reading and plays golf and platform tennis (recently winning his first national championship). His oldest daughter, Caitlin, is currently in dental school and is hoping to join our family practice. Dr. Bob’s dad began this practice in 1960 and passed it on to Dr. Bob in 1993 – that’s almost 60 years of a family business with hopefully another generation to come.