patients – Dr. Bob Bryan Orthodontics
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banner_logo_submenu_0_text : FAQ
_banner_logo_submenu_0_text : field_5b8693b1d2044
banner_logo_submenu_0_link : #section2
_banner_logo_submenu_0_link : field_5b8693b6d2045
banner_logo_submenu_1_text : BRUSHING
_banner_logo_submenu_1_text : field_5b8693b1d2044
banner_logo_submenu_1_link : #section3
_banner_logo_submenu_1_link : field_5b8693b6d2045
banner_logo_submenu_2_text : FLOSSING
_banner_logo_submenu_2_text : field_5b8693b1d2044
banner_logo_submenu_2_link : #section4
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banner_logo_submenu_3_text : EMERGENCY INFO
_banner_logo_submenu_3_text : field_5b8693b1d2044
banner_logo_submenu_3_link : #section5
_banner_logo_submenu_3_link : field_5b8693b6d2045
banner_logo_submenu_4_text : food guidelines
_banner_logo_submenu_4_text : field_5b8693b1d2044
banner_logo_submenu_4_link : #section6
_banner_logo_submenu_4_link : field_5b8693b6d2045
banner_logo_submenu_5_text : common problems
_banner_logo_submenu_5_text : field_5b8693b1d2044
banner_logo_submenu_5_link : #section7
_banner_logo_submenu_5_link : field_5b8693b6d2045
banner_logo_submenu_6_text : Gallery
_banner_logo_submenu_6_text : field_5b8693b1d2044
banner_logo_submenu_6_link : #section8
_banner_logo_submenu_6_link : field_5b8693b6d2045
faq_0_slide_0_question : Is it required that my family dentist schedule my appointment with the orthodontist?
_faq_0_slide_0_question : field_5b87679cb3678
faq_0_slide_0_answer : No, it is not. Many of our patients are referred by their family dentist, yet many other patients take the initiative to schedule an examination themselves.
_faq_0_slide_0_answer : field_5b8767a5b3679
faq_0_slide_1_question : At what age should I schedule an appointment for an orthodontic screening?
_faq_0_slide_1_question : field_5b87679cb3678
faq_0_slide_1_answer : The American Association of Orthodontists recommends an orthodontic screening at age 7. By this age, several permanent teeth in most children have erupted, allowing us to effectively evaluate your orthodontic condition.
_faq_0_slide_1_answer : field_5b8767a5b3679
faq_0_slide_2_question : Will my teeth straighten out as they grow?
_faq_0_slide_2_question : field_5b87679cb3678
faq_0_slide_2_answer : No, they will not. The space available for the front teeth does not increase as you grow. In most people, after the permanent molars erupt, the space available for the front teeth decreases with age.
_faq_0_slide_2_answer : field_5b8767a5b3679
faq_0_slide : 5
_faq_0_slide : field_5b876782b3677
faq : 1
_faq : field_5b876775b3676
faq_0_slide_3_question : How do I scheudle an appointment for an initial exam?
_faq_0_slide_3_question : field_5b87679cb3678
faq_0_slide_3_answer : If you or your child can potentially benefit from orthodontic treatment, simply call our office or send us an e-mail. We will be happy to schedule an appointment for you. When you call to schedule your appointment, our front office staff will request some basic information from you.
_faq_0_slide_3_answer : field_5b8767a5b3679
faq_0_slide_4_question : What will happen at the initial examination appointment?
_faq_0_slide_4_question : field_5b87679cb3678
faq_0_slide_4_answer : Upon arriving, each patient will be asked for the new patient forms and insurance card. The doctor will then complete a thorough clinical exam. Additional information, such as X-rays or photographs, may be needed for proper diagnosis.
_faq_0_slide_4_answer : field_5b8767a5b3679
brushing_0_content :


Step 1. Start with the outside of the teeth, with the brush at a straight angle. Use circular, vibrating motions. Step 2. Clean the area between the gums and braces by angling the brush down (up for the lower jaw). Keep moving in a small circular motion. Step 3. Clean the rest of the outside of the teeth by angling the brush up (down for the lower jaw). Step 4. Carefully brush the chewing surface of both the upper and lower jaw. Step 5. Finish by brushing the inside of the teeth.
_brushing_0_content : field_5b876d508bbf8
brushing_0_image : 392
_brushing_0_image : field_5b876d5f8bbf9
brushing_1_content :

interdental toothbrush

A Proxabrush is an interdental (between the teeth) toothbrush that you may use to clean underneath and around your wires and braces. Use the Proxabrush gently to avoid damaging your wires. The Proxabrush will help you to clean your braces while maintaining healthy teeth and gums.
_brushing_1_content : field_5b876d508bbf8
brushing_1_image : 393
_brushing_1_image : field_5b876d5f8bbf9
brushing : 2
_brushing : field_5b876d408bbf7
flossing_0_content :


Step 1. Floss at least once a day. The Floss needs to be pulled under the archwire. A floss threader facilitates this. Start by pulling floss through the threader. Step 2. Push the end of the floss threader under the archwire and pull the floss through. Step 3. Pull the floss up between the teeth and gently move it up and down the side of both teeth. Remember to move it up all the way under the gums. Step 4. Pull the floss out and use a different section of it for the next tooth.
_flossing_0_content : field_5b876ffa33dcd
flossing_0_image : 400
_flossing_0_image : field_5b876ffa33dce
flossing_1_content :


When you are finished brushing and flossing, rinse your mouth carefully with warm water or an antiseptic dental rinse. An antiseptic dental rinse can help minor gum inflammations and irritations from orthodontic appliances. It is used to cleanse canker sores, minor wounds, and other mouth and gum irritations. The utilization of mouth rinse also removes debris, thus enabling a natural healing process to occur.
_flossing_1_content : field_5b876ffa33dcd
flossing_1_image : 402
_flossing_1_image : field_5b876ffa33dce
flossing_2_content :

retainer care

During the retention phase, it is important to brush your retainer every time you brush your teeth as they can accumulate food particles and plaque. Once a day, you should soak your appliance in a glass of room-temperature tap water with a denture-cleaning tablet, such as Polident or Efferdent. This will keep your appliance tasting better. Do not use hot water as it can distort the appliance.
_flossing_2_content : field_5b876ffa33dcd
flossing_2_image : 1362
_flossing_2_image : field_5b876ffa33dce
flossing : 3
_flossing : field_5b876ffa33dcc
emergency_info_heading : emergency info
_emergency_info_heading : field_5b8771dc54aca
emergency_info_image : 410
_emergency_info_image : field_5b8771e954acb
emergency_info_content_0_text :

Sore Teeth

If your teeth are sore after a visit, you may take acetaminophen or other non-aspirin pain relievers while you adjust to your new braces. A warm wash cloth, heating pad or warm salt water rinses may reduce the soreness in your jaws.

Wire Irritation

If your teeth are sore after a visit, you may take acetaminophen or other non-aspirin pain relievers while you adjust to your new braces. A warm wash cloth, heating pad or warm salt water rinses may reduce the soreness in your jaws.
_emergency_info_content_0_text : field_5b87720954acd
emergency_info_content_1_text :

Loose Bracket

If the main wire or a bracket comes loose, first, call our office to see if the bracket needs to be refitted. If you have a situation where you must cut the wire or slide a bracket off the wire, you may use fingernail clippers that have been washed and sterilized in alcohol. Please call our office on the next business day to schedule a repair appointment.

Lost Separator

If a separator comes out, you should call our office to see if it needs to be replaced. Some patients may lose a separator during treatment, which is common.
_emergency_info_content_1_text : field_5b87720954acd
emergency_info_content : 2
_emergency_info_content : field_5b8771fe54acc
emergency_info :
_emergency_info : field_5b8771cc54ac9
food_guideline_content :

food guidelines

Your teeth may be a little sore for the first week in braces, so we, recommend sticking to a soft food diet until the discomfort subsides. While in braces, you can still eat just about anything although there are a few exceptions. You should avoid hard foods, such as ice and pizza crust, as well as sticky foods, including licorice and caramels. These food can damage wires and brackets. It is also important to minimize foods high in sugar content, like ice cream and cookies, and reduce sugary drinks to once a day.
_food_guideline_content : field_5b8773c96a633
food_guideline_image : 1365
_food_guideline_image : field_5b8773e46a634
food_guideline :
_food_guideline : field_5b8773b66a632
common_problem_heading : common problems
_common_problem_heading : field_5b87739275b34
common_problem_image : 422
_common_problem_image : field_5b87739275b35
common_problem_content_0_text : When a person’s teeth or jaw structure do not fit together properly, orthodontic treatment may be necessary to straighten teeth and promote ideal function. These problems, often referred to as malocclusions (or bad bites), can cause speech difficulty, premature wear of the teeth and protective enamel and even increase the chance of injury to teeth and jaw joints, if left untreated.


In this case, the upper teeth are inside the lower teeth, which is also known as an underbite.


In this case, there is a spacing problem in the upper jaw.


In this case, the “eye” teeth are up higher than normal and the upper jaw has crowding.
_common_problem_content_0_text : field_5b87739275b37
common_problem_content_1_text :


The appearance and function of your teeth are impacted by upper front teeth protrusion. It is characterized by the upper teeth extending too far forward or the lower teeth not extending far enough forward.


Dental midlines that not match are evident when the back bite does not fit and match appropriately. This may negatively impact jaw and proper dental function.


In a crossbite, the upper teeth sit inside the lower teeth, which may cause tooth stratification and misaligned jaw growth.
_common_problem_content_1_text : field_5b87739275b37
common_problem_content_2_text :


Proper chewing is impacted by an openbite, in which the upper and lower front teeth do not overlap. Openbites may be caused by habits such as thumb sucking or tongue thrusting.


In a overbite, the upper front teeth extend out over the lower front teeth, sometimes causing the lower front teeth to bite into the roof of the mouth.
_common_problem_content_2_text : field_5b87739275b37
common_problem_content : 3
_common_problem_content : field_5b87739275b36
common_problem :
_common_problem : field_5b87739275b33
gallery_section_heading : Gallery
_gallery_section_heading : field_5b878ba8ae3b1
gallery_section_gallery : a:10:{i:0;s:4:"1284";i:1;s:4:"1283";i:2;s:4:"1282";i:3;s:4:"1281";i:4;s:4:"1279";i:5;s:4:"1278";i:6;s:4:"1277";i:7;s:4:"1276";i:8;s:4:"1275";i:9;s:4:"1280";}
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testimonials_section_heading : testimonials
_testimonials_section_heading : field_5b878f0f56e27
testimonials_section_review_0_name : Christine says...
_testimonials_section_review_0_name : field_5b878f2756e29
testimonials_section_review_0_content : I took my daughter Alyssa to see Dr. Bob to discuss braces and he and his staff where fantastic, very friendly and everyone had a smile on their faces. Alyssa is looking forward to visiting Dr. Bob's office again and having her braces put on. Thank you Dr. Bob and staff for making our visit a comfortable and fun one.
_testimonials_section_review_0_content : field_5b878f2d56e2a
testimonials_section_review : 3
_testimonials_section_review : field_5b878f1556e28
testimonials_section :
_testimonials_section : field_5b878ef556e26
testimonials_section_review_1_name : Moses says...
_testimonials_section_review_1_name : field_5b878f2756e29
testimonials_section_review_1_content : I had braces for two years by Dr Bryan and I got my braces off today. They look great and everyone is so nice at the office! Dr Bryan is the best!!
_testimonials_section_review_1_content : field_5b878f2d56e2a
review_section_heading : leave us a review
_review_section_heading : field_5b8794ac775d7
review_section_location_1_name : allentown
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banner_logo_submenu_7_text : Reviews
_banner_logo_submenu_7_text : field_5b8693b1d2044
banner_logo_submenu_7_link : #section9
_banner_logo_submenu_7_link : field_5b8693b6d2045
_yoast_wpseo_title : Patient Information | Invisalign Care - Dr. Bob Bryan Orthodontics
_yoast_wpseo_metadesc : Orthodontic patient guide including common questions & answers about braces or Invisalign, emergency information, and food guidelines.
testimonials_section_review_2_name : Audrey says...
_testimonials_section_review_2_name : field_5b878f2756e29
testimonials_section_review_2_content : I am eternally grateful for Dr Bryan and his staff. They have made my teeth beautiful and worth all of the appliances I went through to get them. His staff is well trained, very knowledgeable, and exceptionally gentle. I would recommend his office to anyone who needs their teeth straightened.
_testimonials_section_review_2_content : field_5b878f2d56e2a
brush_short_text :


Step 1. Start with the outside of the teeth, with the brush at a straight angle. Use circular, vibrating motions. Step 2. Clean the area between the gums and braces by angling the brush down (up for the lower jaw). Keep moving in a small circular motion. Step 3. Clean the rest of the outside of the teeth by angling the brush up (down for the lower jaw). Step 4. Carefully brush the chewing surface of both the upper and lower jaw. Step 5. Finish by brushing the inside of the teeth.
_brush_short_text : field_5c57ba2517931
brush_image : 392
_brush_image : field_5c57ba3417932
brush_read_more_link :
_brush_read_more_link : field_5c57ba8517936
brush :
_brush : field_5c57ba0d17930
floss_short_text :


Step 1. Floss at least once a day. The Floss needs to be pulled under the archwire. A floss threader facilitates this. Start by pulling floss through the threader. Step 2. Push the end of the floss threader under the archwire and pull the floss through. Step 3. Pull the floss up between the teeth and gently move it up and down the side of both teeth. Remember to move it up all the way under the gums. Step 4. Pull the floss out and use a different section of it for the next tooth.
_floss_short_text : field_5c57ba5617934
floss_image : 400
_floss_image : field_5c57ba6517935
floss_read_more_link :
_floss_read_more_link : field_5c57ba9417937
floss :
_floss : field_5c57ba4c17933
emergency_info_short_text :

Sore Teeth

If your teeth are sore after a visit, you may take acetaminophen or other non-aspirin pain relievers while you adjust to your new braces. A warm wash cloth, heating pad or warm salt water rinses may reduce the soreness in your jaws.

Wire Irritation

If your teeth are sore after a visit, you may take acetaminophen or other non-aspirin pain relievers while you adjust to your new braces. A warm wash cloth, heating pad or warm salt water rinses may reduce the soreness in your jaws.
_emergency_info_short_text : field_5c57baa317938
emergency_info_read_more_link :
_emergency_info_read_more_link : field_5c57baaf17939
common_problem_short_text : When a person’s teeth or jaw structure do not fit together properly, orthodontic treatment may be necessary to straighten teeth and promote ideal function. These problems, often referred to as malocclusions (or bad bites), can cause speech difficulty, premature wear of the teeth and protective enamel and even increase the chance of injury to teeth and jaw joints, if left untreated.


In this case, the upper teeth are inside the lower teeth, which is also known as an underbite.


In this case, there is a spacing problem in the upper jaw.
_common_problem_short_text : field_5c57bacf1793a
common_problem_read_more_link :
_common_problem_read_more_link : field_5c57badb1793b
_yoast_wpseo_estimated-reading-time-minutes :
_yoast_wpseo_focuskw : Patient Information
_yoast_wpseo_linkdex : 49
_yoast_wpseo_wordproof_timestamp :



  • Is it required that my family dentist schedule my appointment with the orthodontist?

    No, it is not. Many of our patients are referred by their family dentist, yet many other patients take the initiative to schedule an examination themselves.

    At what age should I schedule an appointment for an orthodontic screening?

    The American Association of Orthodontists recommends an orthodontic screening at age 7. By this age, several permanent teeth in most children have erupted, allowing us to effectively evaluate your orthodontic condition.

    Will my teeth straighten out as they grow?

    No, they will not. The space available for the front teeth does not increase as you grow. In most people, after the permanent molars erupt, the space available for the front teeth decreases with age.

    How do I scheudle an appointment for an initial exam?

    If you or your child can potentially benefit from orthodontic treatment, simply call our office or send us an e-mail. We will be happy to schedule an appointment for you. When you call to schedule your appointment, our front office staff will request some basic information from you.

    What will happen at the initial examination appointment?

    Upon arriving, each patient will be asked for the new patient forms and insurance card. The doctor will then complete a thorough clinical exam. Additional information, such as X-rays or photographs, may be needed for proper diagnosis.


Step 1. Start with the outside of the teeth, with the brush at a straight angle. Use circular, vibrating motions.

Step 2. Clean the area between the gums and braces by angling the brush down (up for the lower jaw). Keep moving in a small circular motion.

Step 3. Clean the rest of the outside of the teeth by angling the brush up (down for the lower jaw).

Step 4. Carefully brush the chewing surface of both the upper and lower jaw.

Step 5. Finish by brushing the inside of the teeth.

Read More
Kids Brushing


Step 1. Floss at least once a day. The Floss needs to be pulled under the archwire. A floss threader facilitates this. Start by pulling floss through the threader.

Step 2. Push the end of the floss threader under the archwire and pull the floss through.

Step 3. Pull the floss up between the teeth and gently move it up and down the side of both teeth. Remember to move it up all the way under the gums.

Step 4. Pull the floss out and use a different section of it for the next tooth.

Read More

emergency info

Sore Teeth

If your teeth are sore after a visit, you may take acetaminophen or other non-aspirin pain relievers while you adjust to your new braces. A warm wash cloth, heating pad or warm salt water rinses may reduce the soreness in your jaws.

Wire Irritation

If your teeth are sore after a visit, you may take acetaminophen or other non-aspirin pain relievers while you adjust to your new braces. A warm wash cloth, heating pad or warm salt water rinses may reduce the soreness in your jaws.

Read More
Emergency Info

food guidelines

Your teeth may be a little sore for the first week in braces, so we, recommend sticking to a soft food diet until the discomfort subsides. While in braces, you can still eat just about anything although there are a few exceptions. You should avoid hard foods, such as ice and pizza crust, as well as sticky foods, including licorice and caramels. These food can damage wires and brackets. It is also important to minimize foods high in sugar content, like ice cream and cookies, and reduce sugary drinks to once a day.


common problems

When a person’s teeth or jaw structure do not fit together properly, orthodontic treatment may be necessary to straighten teeth and promote ideal function. These problems, often referred to as malocclusions (or bad bites), can cause speech difficulty, premature wear of the teeth and protective enamel and even increase the chance of injury to teeth and jaw joints, if left untreated.


In this case, the upper teeth are inside the lower teeth, which is also known as an underbite.


In this case, there is a spacing problem in the upper jaw.

Read More
Orthognathic Surgery


  • Christine says...

    I took my daughter Alyssa to see Dr. Bob to discuss braces and he and his staff where fantastic, very friendly and everyone had a smile on their faces. Alyssa is looking forward to visiting Dr. Bob's office again and having her braces put on. Thank you Dr. Bob and staff for making our visit a comfortable and fun one.

  • Moses says...

    I had braces for two years by Dr Bryan and I got my braces off today. They look great and everyone is so nice at the office! Dr Bryan is the best!!

  • Audrey says...

    I am eternally grateful for Dr Bryan and his staff. They have made my teeth beautiful and worth all of the appliances I went through to get them. His staff is well trained, very knowledgeable, and exceptionally gentle. I would recommend his office to anyone who needs their teeth straightened.

leave us a review

